1950 ? Schult Trailer
Once again, my sweet wife was rubbernecking on a road trip. Before… used to be she would just read while I drove. Now, she is an addict. “I better start paying attention. This looks like trailer picking territory”. It warms my heart.
On this trip in California, I think near Lake Elsinore, she once again said “pull over”. She had spotted this trailer behind a barn. Boy, it seems that in the old days, you couldn’t have a trailer unless you had a barn. We knocked on the door and much to my surprise were not greeted by someone with a shotgun. It really was not a very good looking property, but the owner was great. “Hell, I’m just using it for storage, let’s go take a look”.
Take a look I did. A 1950-ish steel body Schult, with a straight body. Upon opening the door, you couldn’t take a look. It was jam packed with junk. “Not to worry, come back next weekend. I’ll empty it and you can take it home.” We came to an agreement on price and that was it. I returned the next weekend and it was incredible. All the woodwork was nearly perfect, just in need of some restoration. The curved cabinets were so cool. Everything but the sofa and bed were there. Everything was original! It was another score for my wife—- at my age, this is how we score.
I brought the trailer home and covered it up.
Not having the time to restore it after a year, I put it up for sale and it was gone in a week, mice and all.
I don’t know what became of my Schult. One of these days, a very rare original steel body Schult will show up at a rally and I will be sick to my stomach that I didn’t keep it and re-do it myself.
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