1953 Dodge Pick-Up
1953 Dodge Pick up truck—-JOB RATED
This was my second vintage truck. Both were Dodges.
I was feeling sorry for myself one day. The year was about 2000. So, what’s a guy to do? What’s going to give him the cure that the doctors couldn’t????????? A new (antique) vehicle, that’s what!
Again, I turned to Hemmings Motor News, my bible.
I spotted this truck and had to have it. Note how high the roof is. It’s called a Pilot House Cab. Men could comfortably wear their fedora hats and not squish them on the roof. Raising the roof line really adds a lot to the look of the truck. I think it’s a lot better looking than the 5 window GMC’s.
I used this truck when clearing the land for the museum. The bed wasn’t very big, but boy could you really load it up. And the small engine with the transmission geared down the way it was could pull a house down.
Hated to see it go, but you know what the wife says, “Want something new—-Sell something!!!
Know what the husband says? “YES DEAR!
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