1959 Pontiac Bonneville Safari Station Wagon
WOW! is what everyone says when this one gets out. This is an extremely rare wagon. I only know of a few that are anywhere near this condition. It has never been restored
The car was purchased new in Brooklyn New York, where it racked up about 72,000 miles in its first 3 years. Then, into a garage for close to 50 years. It made a brief trip to Colorado and then I believe Arizona, and then on to San Jose, California. Always sold to collectors. And it only has 77,000 miles on it now. That’s 5,000 miles in 50 years. The paint is nearly all original. Just the front fenders and hood have been painted. The interior is in nearly perfect condition right down to the factory floor mats and silver speckled carpet.
I first saw the car years ago pictured in a magazine with a story about two wagons in one collection. Like most guy’s, I rushed through the story, looked at the pictures and never made it to the last page of the story. I wanted this car from the first time I saw it. Last year, 2011, I ran across the same magazine and saw the same story. This time I read it all the way through. On that last page was the magic info… the current owners lived in San Jose, California, just 20 miles from my house. I called information since their last name was given in the story. Can you believe that in the 21st. century people still have home numbers, not just cell phones? Ken answered the phone and yes, they still had the car. Best of all, they were getting ready to sell their house and move away, so the car was about to go up for sale also. I drove over, gave it a test drive, then wore out a new pair of knee pads begging my wife———–“come on honey, it will be my last one—–TRUST ME!” Well, she didn’t fall for that line, but she did say if I sold something, it could be mine. Away went the 55 wagon and our 50 Bullet Nose Studebaker convertible. I only cried about the loss until I realized the gain. Once again, enjoy. This one is a keeper.
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